Random Me


guess who...

Sorry but I'll never tell - but I had to post this boys cute ass on my blog. See this is what happens when a guy takes your camera for a little while and then you find pictures like this later on. No matter how old our men get - they will still act like boys! Guess away but I'll never tell (just in case he decides to run for president one day...)!


just can't get enough...

love her to pieces...

could she be any more beautiful...

my answer is no...she is just the most precious beautiful little princess ever! And not only is she just darling but has the best set of parents a girl could ask for - and a pretty cool big brother. Here are a coule of more peeks at Princess Aubry...



a few last ones...


a couple of more from the weekend I love...

and she graduates...

just a couple of recent pics that I just love that are from our weekend in Philly for Jenny's graudation. Our little sister is now a full blown attorney (passed the bar and all) so if you looking for a great attorney in Jersey let me know and I'll hook you up with the best one around...


a few last ones...

seriously - if someone can tell me how I can post more than 2 pics per post - You would make me so happy! Otherwise I see typepad in my future...

a couple more...

wedding pics

A couple of pictures from the wedding a few weeks ago. Still haven't figured out blogger lately and it will not let me post pictures - it's being so weird. If anyone has thoughts on how to fix this please let me know!



Okay - I am super frustrated with blogger lately. I have tried to post some new pictures from Tim's Wedding for over a week now but blogger will not let me...I'm gonna try again tonight so be on the lookout!


Summer Reading List

I have made my summer reading list for this year and although it's a summer reading list I am going to get started now. I have quite a list going and I'm sure that I will be adding more but since I love to read so much and hate having to be without a book in hand I'm sure I'll be able to handle it. Here 2007's list:

1. The 6th Target - James Patterson
2. Living the Posh Mom Life
3. Sippy Cups are not for Chardonnay
4. I Was a Really Good Mom Before I had Kids
5. Sister Salty Sister Sweet
6. Dark at the Roots
7. Little Lady Big Apple
8. Sisters - Danielle Steel
9. Momzillas
10. Secret Society Girl
11. The First Assistant
12. Bright Lights, Big Ass
13. The Three-Martini Family Vacation
14. Altared
15. Marley and Me
16. Maximum Ride: Saving the World and Other Extreme Sports
17. The Quickie - James Patterson
18. You've Been Warned - James Patterson

Also please let me know if you have read any of these in the past because I would love to hear your thoughts - we could get a discussion going!

Have a great night!

PS - went and saw Georgia Rule tonight and LOVED it! For how much I despise Lindsey Lohan I really do think she's a great actress. This movie was fantastic but was definitely R rated (which is a nice change from all the G rated movies I have to watch around here) - the movies topic was definitely different from what I expected but still throughly enjoyed it!


as promised...

Please take a moment to check out my new blog:


And please challenge yourself to take some fun new pictures!!!


coming soon...

With everyone working daily with their awesome cameras (and for my own photography growth) I've decided that I want to start a photo blog.

In this total seperate blog (address coming soon) I'm going to post a new photo challenge every couple of days (or each week - not 100% sure yet). This is so I can challenge everyone including myself to take photos of the topic of the week and then post those pictures on their own blogs. It will allow us to look through our lens differently and also get to know our cameras better.

Or the other option is for the challenger to post a comment on my blog and in the next post I could have a link that so readers can link to see other submissions. I don't have all the details worked out fully yet but wanted to let you all know to keep your eyes open because I will be posting the new blog soon...

I'll Play...

After reading Kelly's blog today (http://kellybryan.typepad.com/a_fine_line_between_chaos/) I want to join in with my 6 Random facts...

1. Right now I'm in the middle of reading 5 books:
*How to Digitally Photograph Anything (super fab book that explains so much on photography and I love that it explains everything with pictures not just words)
*Summer Sisters by Judy Blume (my book club book and one of my absolute favorites)
*Some Like It Haute - Just a fun read that I'm actually almost finished with. It's my bed time book because I only read it in bed.
*Knockout by Vikki Lamotta and Thomas Hauser - This is my work book so I get to read it on my breaks and during my slow times (and mostly when I need a break from school work).
*Breakfast With Tiffany: An Uncles Memoir - A book I'm just starting to read in my downtime at home.

2. I'm currently obsessed with all the crystal light packets that you put in bottled water and make a juice. Instead of coffee in the morning I'm drinking these juices and I love them because they are practially no calories, sugar free, and I feel good about getting some water in my body because I know I don't drink enough water!

3. We have a wedding coming up this weekend and I can decide which is a bigger problem - not having a dress to wear for the wedding or still not having a baby sitter lined up for eli yet...YIKES!!!!

4. I've totally fallen off the weight watchers wagon...I'm not even trying anymore and I don't know what my problem is. I've put back on a bit of weight that I lost from when I became a lifetime member but right now I just don't care! I'm more interested in eating yummy food than thinking about my weight loss/lifestyle change. I know that I really need to start back up again because I want to be back down to my lowest weight for the cruise at the end of August but I just can't push myself to do it. I need to find my motivation from within...

5. I've been a scrapbooking fool lately. I even went to Cord on National Scrapbook Day and spend about $80 on new scrapbook supplies which felt great. I needed some new supplies and new pictures to help me get inspired and it definitely worked! I have been working on mini books and new pages for a minimum of an hour a day (and I've been done with my Week in the Life Album since the weekend after we got back from CKU). It just feels great...

6. I feel like I've been a horrible friend to everyone lately. I don't take enough time for the girls and feel like it takes me forever to get back to everyones phone calls and emails. There is not enough time in the day these days...between work, school, family, errands, and me time I'm not making enough time for all the other people in my life. I've almost felt like I've become a recluse because I don't see anyone but the people I work with and Mike and eli anymore... Plus time escapes me - this weekend between the wedding and mothers day we have no free time and then the following weekend we are flying to Philly for Jenny's graduation from Law School plus when we get back I have to leave the airport to go right to a baby shower and then before I even realize it will be June! So to all of my wonderful girlfriends - I'm so sorry I've been such a bad friend - truly I am. I'm promising myself to make more time for you and to be better about my emails and phone calls! I love you all and please know that I'm always here for you if you are ever in need (even if it seems like I'm not around - I am)!